Album - BIGGER THAN LIFE - black vinyl


Fresh off a summer move from NY to Los Angeles, Black Marble let a little more light creep in around the edges on Bigger Than Life. The change in scenery bought new ideas for Stewart, more staccato syncopation and a bouncier mood. Black Marbles third LP - their first for the always solid Brooklyn label Sacred Bones - represents an ode to this new West Coast state of mind and a shimmering response to its cacophony.

“The album comes out of seeing and experiencing a lot of turmoil but wanting to create something positive out of it,” Stewart explains. “I wanted to take a less selfish approach on this record. Maybe I’m just getting older, but that approach starts to feel a little self-indulgent. Like, ‘Oh, look at me I’m so complicated, I get that life isn’t fair,’ It’s like, yeah, so does everyone. So with this record, it’s less about how I see things and more about the way things just are. Seeing myself as a part of a lineage instead of trying to create a platform for myself.”

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