Albums - FAST IDOL - black vinyl


On Fast Idol, LA-based Black Marble reaches back through time to connect with the forgotten bedroom kids of the analogue era, the halcyon days of icy hooks and warbly synths always on the edge of going out of tune. Harmonies are piped in across the expanse of space, and lyrics capture conversations that seem to come from another room. At the same time, percussive elements feel forward and cut through the mix with toms counting off the measures like a lost tribe broadcasting from a basement club soundsystem.

Fast Idol sees Stewart return to the sentiment and process that defined the earlier days of Black Marble, where songs land as impressionistic snippets of daily conflicts, and people struggle with the challenge of trying to move through the world. “People don’t expect me to be responsible for altering their outlook or mood" Stewart says. "They come to hear something that meets them where they are. I trusted that if I stayed true to that, I would connect with others.”

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